Useful equations.
1" (Miner's inch) = 9 gallons per minute
1 AF (Acre Foot, 24-hour time frame) = 0.0396694 x 25" = 0.991735 (Rounded to 1 AF)
1 CFS (Cubic foot per second) = 0.991735 (1 AF) x 2 = 1.98347
Understanding Water to help order what you need.
At the start of and through the course of every Water Season, there may be some terms or concepts that may be unfamiliar to you. You can look up any term here.
However, for a quick overview of some key concepts so that you can better understand what the Water Formulas below are doing, this quick guide should help.
Any balance of Water is measured in Acre-Feet ?. All water orders are in inches or a Miners Inch ?.
Allowance and Allotment may seem similiar but are very different.
Simply put, if you use more than your Allowance you are using Excess Water. To use Excess Water, you must have a Pink Card. You cannot use more than your Allotment. You may only transfer in more Allotment from another Water User through a Water Transfer.
All water used counts against your Allowance. Once Allotment is set by the Project Manager, any water used is counted against your Allotment.
The formulas below are here to help you convert your balance of Allowance or Allotment into inches for a Water Order.
Calculate Irrigation Water
Step 1:
Convert Acre-Feet to Inches
Enter your Acre-Feet (AF) of water:
Step 2:
Calculate Days I Can Water
Enter your calculated inches of water:
Enter inches you plan to order per day:
Deliveries are in 24-hour increments only - no partial day deliveries.
Please submit orders at least 24-hours prior to delivery.
Convert Inches to Acre-Feet(AF)
Enter your inches of water: