When ordering, you must submit separate cards for WATER ON and WATER OFF.

Mouse over each blank line for instructions on how to fill out the Water Request Card.

Please contact your Ditchrider or Division Office to obtain a Water Request Card.

Boise Project Board of Control
Serial No.Your Account/Serial Number ...................................

Water Request

BOARD OF CONTROL: ...................Today's Date........................................................., 20 ...................
Please deliver Inches you need...................inches to Tap No.Tap number.................... on lateral or canal name................................................
lateral beginning Turn ON date.....................................................................................................................
Please close Tap No. Tap number........................ on lateral or canal name.................................... lateral on Turn OFF Date............................
If you are the owner sign here.....................................................................................
If you are an authorized renter sign here.....................................................................................
Recieved:Leave blank..........................................................................................
Recieved:Leave blank..........................................................................
ditch rider
TO THE WATER USER: in requesting water service give at least two days advance notice of your needs. using one of these cards for each change from each tap.



This Excess Water Card (Pink Card) is required when an account exceeds the base allowance of 3.75 acre feet in a season. The landowner must sign the pink card unless another person is authorized by the landowner or business entity. If another person is authorized to sign the pink card, the landowner or business entity must submit a letter on a business or personal letterhead to BPBC authorizing that person to sign the pink card.

Mouse over each blank line for instructions on how to fill out the Excess Water Order Card.

Please contact your Ditchrider or Division Office to obtain a Water Request Card.

Boise Project Board of Control

Excess Water Order
To: The Project Manager
Please deliver irrigaton water (if available) to District Account No.Your Account/Serial Number ___________________________ in excess of the base allowance of 3.75 acre feet per season. The physical delivery whether it be for the base allowance or excess will remain unchanged and still be subject to my water delivery requests.
In Certain instances it is understood that other irrigators (such as in a subdivision delivery rotation) have water delivery under the same rotation account number and in the event those parties do not sign a cars such as this,I will be charged for all excess water delivered to the rotation account regardless of who actually uses the water. I do herby agree to pay proportionately with all other waterusers under said rotation account number who have signed a card such as this for the water delivery in excess of 3.75 acre feet per acre per season charged to the above rotation account.
DateToday's Date_________________________________
Ride No. Leave Blank_____________________________ Signed Property Owners or Authorized Party's Signature


Div No. Leave Blank______________________________              Owner